
Quotes on the Mind:

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven. -John Milton

Here in your mind you have complete privacy. Here there’s no difference between what is and what could be. -Chuck Palahniuk

The mind ain’t nothing without the old body tagging along to follow things through. -Sam Shepard

Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. -Albert Einstein

The march of the human mind is slow. -Edmund Burke

The mind is so hospitable, taking in everything like boarders, and you don’t see until it’s all over how little there was to learn once the stench of knowledge has dissipated. -John Ashbery

The human mind is a channel through which things-to-be are coming into the realm of things-that-are. -Henry Ford

There is an elasticity in the human mind, capable of bearing much, but which will not show itself, until a certain weight of affliction be put upon it; its powers may be compared to those vehicles whose springs are so contrived that they get on smoothly enough when loaded, but jolt confoundedly when they have nothing to bear. -Charles Caleb Colton

Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. -Yoda

A good mind is a lord of a kingdom. – Seneca

The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. -Robertson Davies

As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery. -Martin Luther King

A man should keep his little brain attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library, where he can get it if he wants it. -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

What we call a mind is nothing but a heap or collection of different perceptions, united together by certain relations and supposed, though falsely, to be endowed with a perfect simplicity and identity. -David Hume

To know psychology … is no guarantee that we shall manage our minds rightly. -William Glover

The will … is the driving force of the mind. If it’s injured, the mind falls to pieces. -August Strindberg

My mind to me a kingdom is such perfect joy therein I find that it excels all other bliss that world affords or grows by kind. -Edward Dyer

It is the mind that maketh good or ill that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor -Edmund Spenser

Only in quiet waters things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world. -Hans Margolius

The mind is free, whate’er afflict the man, A King’s a King, do Fortune what she can. -Michael Drayton

How wonderful, how very wonderful the operations of time, and the changes of the human mind! -Jane Austen

All civilization in a sense exists only in the mind. Gunpowder, textile arts, machinery, laws, telephones are not themselves transmitted from man to man or from generation to generation, at least not permanently. It is the perception, the knowledge and understanding of them, their ideas in the Platonic sense, that are passed along. Everything social can have existence only through mentality. -Alfred L. Kroeber

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. -Winston Churchill

Babylon in all its desolation is a sight not so awful as that of the human mind in ruins. -Scrope Berdmore Davies

The mind is international and supra-national … it ought to serve not war and annihilation, but peace and reconciliation. -Hermann Hesse

Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

To see a thing clearly in the mind makes it begin to take form. -Henry Ford

In activities other than purely logical thought, our minds function much faster than any computer yet devised. -Daniel Crevier

Dispositions of the mind, like limbs of the body, acquire strength by exercise. -Thomas Jefferson

When I cannot sing my heart, I can only speak my mind. -John Lennon

Of all the things I’ve lost, it’s my mind I miss the most. -Ozzy Osbourne

When I think of myself my mind cannot soar to higher things but is like a bird with broken wings. -Teresa Of Avila

Just as dogs love to chew bones, the mind loves to get its teeth into problems. That’s why it does crossword puzzles and builds atom bombs. -Eckhart Tolle

The country would be far better if the population were half as interested in keeping their minds in as good condition as they tried to keep their bodies. -John Saul

The monsters of the mind are far worse than those that actually exist. Fear, doubt, and hate have hamstrung more people than beasts ever have. -Christopher Paolini

As an orchard when manured produces pleasant trees and luscious fruit, so does a cultivated mind produce pure thoughts and noble actions. -William Scott Downey

What shall I compare it to, this fantastic thing I call my Mind? To a waste-paper basket, to a sieve choked with sediment, or to a barrel full of floating froth and refuse? No, what it is really most like is a spider’s web, insecurely hung on leaves and twigs, quivering in every wind, and sprinkled with dewdrops and dead flies. And at its centre, pondering forever the Problem of Existence, sits motionless the spider-like and uncanny Soul. -Logan Pearsall Smith

There is an equator that runs just under the nose: all that live below the equator are animals; all that live above it are men. -Henry Ward Beecher

The mind commands the body and immediately it obeys. The mind orders itself, and meets resistance. -Kevin J. Anderson

Biology gives you a brain. Life turns it into a mind. -Jeffrey Eugenides

There never can be a man so lost as one who is lost in the vast and intricate corridors of his own lonely mind, where none may reach and none may save. -Isaac Asimov

Those who exert the first influence upon the mind, have the greatest power. -Horace Mann

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